VariCool Convective Cooling System

Enhanced cooling is recognized as a method of improving metallurgical properties without subsequent heat-treating processes. 

The use of convective cooling units to rapidly cool sintered component to a high hardness continues to expand the applications and reduce the cost of powder metal components. 

Higher cooling rates and an improvement in the ability to control the atmosphere flow in the furnace continue to reduce the need for alloys in the materials that were once needed to achieve hardness.

Abbott’s VariCool Convective Cooling System combines radiant and convection cooling to accelerate the cooling capabilities of a continuous belt industrial furnace and is available on new industrial furnace designs or as a retrofit on an existing industrial furnace.

varicool convective cooling system features

Water Jacketed Chamber
Allows the convection cooling to be shut completely off.

Multiple Re-circulating Injection Ports
Uniform cooling throughout the VariCool chamber.

Water Cooled Heat Exchanger
Assists in cooling re-circulated atmosphere and increases cooling efficiency.

Adjustable Piping System
Control of the atmosphere re-circulation and optimizes cooling profile.

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