Continuous Furnace and Brazing Symposiums

Join world-leading experts in brazing for a comprehensive two-and-a-half-day symposium covering essential techniques and innovations in brazing for carbon steel, stainless steel, brass, and aluminum.

Attendees will gain insights into brazing fundamentals, sinter brazing, joint design, troubleshooting, and an in-depth presentation on the AIAG CQI-29 Brazing Special Process Assessment by Dr. Steve Feldbauer, Ph.D., Co-Chairman and Head of R&D at Abbott.

This symposium is tailored for brazing engineers, product designers, maintenance staff, and others involved in brazed component production. It’s an excellent opportunity for professionals at all levels to learn from top industry experts.

Abbott Furnace Symposiums are an excellent opportunity for beginners and experienced employees to learn from the experts in the areas of:

  • Furnace Brazing Techniques
  • Sinter Brazing
  • AIAG CQI-29 Process Assessment
  • Continuous Furnace Maintenance
  • Atmosphere Control Practices
  • Wire Mesh Belt Management
  • Furnace Optimization Strategies
  • Furnace Safety Protocols
  • Troubleshooting Techniques
  • Filler Metals and Brazing Fundamentals
  • Joint Design Fundamentals
  • Aluminum Brazing Filler Metals & Fluxes
  • Aluminum Core Building and Brazing Furnaces

Along with an opportunity to hear from the experts in the industry, attendees will be able to interact individually with the lecturers to address more specific questions and issues.  Bring in your problem parts and speak with one of the experts who can troubleshoot what is happening in the manufacturing process that is causing the issue.


Abbott Furnace Company also offers private continuous furnace symposiums for companies. Please complete the form for more information or to schedule your private symposium.

The 2024 Abbott Annual Brazing Symposium, taking place May 7-9 in Nashville, brought together some of the world’s foremost experts in the field of brazing furnaces, filler metals, part cleaning, atmosphere gasses and flow controls. Engineers, maintenance personnel, and industry professionals convened in The Music City to explore the latest advancements, share insights, and learn all about the art of joining materials through brazing.



Abbott Furnace Company hosted its 6th Continuous Furnace Brazing Symposium at Fiesta Americana in Aguascalientes, Mexico from August 8-10, 2023. The two-and-a-half-day symposium featured 13 different technical presentations offered by experts in their specialized fields representing a variety of companies. While including a virtual component in addition to the live presentations, nearly 50 attendees participated in discussions on brazing Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Brass, and Aluminum materials.

From attendees just beginning their brazing careers to technical specialists who have been in the industry for decades, the brazing symposium was ideal for brazing engineers, furnace maintenance personnel, product designers, process engineers, and anyone involved in the production of brazed components. The topics ranged from being equipment specific such as furnace brazing, CAB furnace brazing, furnace atmosphere control, furnace optimization, and furnace safety to process focused topics such as braze troubleshooting, joint/gap design, filler metals, and part preparation/cleaning.

private SYMPOSIUMs

Steve Feldbauer Presenting at Abbott Furnace Symposium

For more information about private continuous furnace  symposiums and training for your company, please complete the form below.

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